“100% Safe – Importação E Exportação De Equipamentos De Segurança, Lda”

One-liner: 100% Safe specializes in the import and export of certified personal protective equipment.

Description: “100% Safe – Importação e Exportação de Equipamentos de Segurança Lda. is a company that has been active since 2003, focusing on the commercialization of certified personal protective equipment (PPE). The company is dedicated to improving the quality of its offerings to ensure total customer satisfaction, primarily serving the industrial sector. Over the years, 100% Safe has expanded its operations beyond the national market, with exports becoming an increasingly significant part of its business activities.

The range of products offered by 100% Safe includes facial protection, eye protection, respiratory protection, head protection, hearing protection, protective footwear, work clothing, height work materials, protective gloves, and disinfectants. This diverse product line reflects the company’s commitment to providing comprehensive safety solutions for various industrial applications.

With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, 100% Safe continues to grow and adapt to the needs of its clients, ensuring that they receive the best possible protective equipment to maintain safety in their work environments.”

Rating: 4.6

Reviews: 15

Country: Portugal

Address: “R. Ramalho Ortigão 30, 2855-480 Corroios, Portugal”

Service types: “importation, exportation, sale of personal protective equipment”

Technology services:

Email: 100safe@netvisao.pt

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Categories: Shipping company