Bay Shipping A/S

One-liner: Bay Shipping A/S specializes in bulk cargo and provides reliable price indications to clients.

Description: “Bay Shipping A/S is based in Aarhus, one of Denmark’s highest profiled and centrally located harbours. The company handles all aspects of shipping and possesses detailed knowledge of the business strategies and procedures relevant to its clients. This expertise allows Bay Shipping A/S to accommodate all shipping needs effectively.

Being proactive and seeking the best possible solutions for clients is a priority for Bay Shipping A/S. The company aims to provide reliable price indications to minimize surprises when clients are projecting and planning ahead. This commitment to client satisfaction is reflected in their operational strategies and service delivery.

Bay Shipping A/S is also GMP+ 2020 certified, which underscores its dedication to maintaining high standards in the shipping industry. The company’s focus on bulk cargo and its strategic location in Aarhus position it as a key player in the logistics and shipping sector.”

Rating: –


Country: Denmark

Address: “Malaccavej 1, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark”

Service types: “Chartering, Agency, Fleet Management”

Technology services:

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Categories: Shipping company