One-liner: Cittadella Spedizioni offers efficient and timely shipping and storage solutions.
Description: “Cittadella Spedizioni has been operating since 1994, focusing on providing high-quality transport and logistics services. With over thirty years of experience, the company prioritizes customer attention, allowing for the planning of efficient and punctual shipments. Their commitment to operational excellence ensures reliable responses and maximum performance in their services.
The company continually updates and renews its skills and equipment to offer a comprehensive and diversified service to its clients. This dedication to evolution helps them meet the demands of their customers and the changing needs of the surrounding world. Cittadella Spedizioni is known for its professionalism, which enables them to provide top-quality road transport services, both nationally and internationally.
Cittadella Spedizioni places a strong emphasis on compliance with road safety, labor, and environmental regulations. They maintain a modern and efficient vehicle fleet that minimizes ecological impact, ensuring that their operations are sustainable and responsible.”
Rating: 3.9
Reviews: 33
Country: Italy
Address: “Via Tombolata, 88, 35015 Galliera Veneta PD, Italy”
Service types: “national transport, international transport, warehousing”
Technology services: –
Website: https://cittadellaspedizioni.it
Email: info@cittadellaspedizioni.it
Linkedin: https://it.linkedin.com/company/cittadella-spedizioni-s-r-l?trk=public_profile_topcard-current-company
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Cittadella-Spedizioni-Srl/61558474233561/
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Youtube: –
Categories: Trucking company