CTF Integrated Logistics Srl Verona

One-liner: CTF INTEGRATED LOGISTICS S.R.L. offers comprehensive logistics and transport services.

Description: “CTF INTEGRATED LOGISTICS S.R.L. is a reliable and efficient partner in the logistics and transport sector. The company provides a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of its clients. With a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility, CTF is committed to delivering high-quality logistics solutions.

The company emphasizes continuous improvement and performance monitoring, ensuring that its services are always aligned with industry standards. CTF also prioritizes the ongoing training of its personnel, which is considered a cornerstone of workplace safety and operational excellence. This dedication to staff development reflects the company’s commitment to maintaining a skilled workforce capable of meeting the challenges of the logistics industry.

CTF INTEGRATED LOGISTICS S.R.L. operates from its facility in Pradelle di Nogarole Rocca, VR, and is equipped to handle various logistics needs, including waste transport, which is essential for sustainability efforts. The company’s strategic approach and comprehensive service offerings make it a key player in the logistics sector.”

Rating: 3.9

Reviews: 133

Country: Italy

Address: “Via Tevere, 6, 37060 Nogarole Rocca VR, Italy”

Service types: “logistics, transport”

Technology services:

Email: commerciale@ctflogistica.it

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ctfintegratedlogistics/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CTFintegratedlogistics

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Categories: “Logistics service, Trucking company, Warehouse store”