“International Mail Service, S.r.o.”

One-liner: IMS International Mail Service specializes in international and domestic postal and shipping services.

Description: “IMS International Mail Service, established in 1990, is one of the most experienced and stable players in the EU logistics market. The company offers a range of services including direct mailing solutions tailored to client needs, the most cost-effective options for sending mail abroad, and collection courier services. These services are designed to simplify and enhance the shipping and postal agenda for businesses.

By utilizing IMS’s services, companies can reduce their operational costs and save time. The courier service ensures daily pickups directly from the client’s premises, providing convenience and efficiency. Clients can trust that the postal services offered meet high European standards, ensuring reliability and quality in their shipping processes.

Additionally, IMS guarantees contractual agreements for all services and payments, which optimizes cash flow for businesses. With 25 years of experience in delivery services, IMS provides a reliable partnership for companies looking to streamline their mailing and shipping operations.”

Rating: 5

Reviews: 1

Country: Czechia

Address: “Jílkova 4357, 615 00 Brno-Židenice, Czechia”

Service types: “international shipping, domestic shipping, direct mailing, courier services”

Technology services:

Email: kuryr@ims-mailservice.cz

Linkedin: –

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vaseposta

Twitter: –

Youtube: –

Categories: Shipping company